The JTEC is an innovative device that uses electrochemical transformations to convert a heat differential into usable electricity.

Lonnie Johnson TED Talk

JTEC Energy was formed in March of 2020, to make the JTEC science into a commercial product. The JTEC has been honed in Dr. Lonnie Johnson’s incubator lab for more than 10 years, where it has drawn the attention and accolades of clean energy scientists, won funding grants from NASA, and been named “One of the Top-10 New World-Changing Inventions of the Year” by Popular Mechanics.

Dr. Lonnie Johnson explains in his TED Talk what motivated him to invent the JTEC, how it works, and the impact he thinks this device can have on the world.

JTEC Energy has worked with partners in Government, Education and Business.

Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory