Kelli Bain, a Tuskegee University and Johnson Research & Development alumna, invented a delicious new way to make ice cream:
After working with fellow Tuskegee alumnus, NASA scientist, and Super Soaker inventor Lonnie Johnson in 2014, Bain had an “ah ha” moment. She was struck by the idea that now as a chemist, she could put a special spin on her grandfather’s treasured recipe. “I decided that it was time to pass down the tradition of ice cream making, but I needed to make it interesting and fun,” she said. She decided to look further into the cryogenic freezing process, where materials could quickly be frozen to less than -285 fahrenheit. The process can be done using liquid nitrogen. Ultimately, Bain discovered how to cut down her ice cream freezing time from 24 hours to 60-90 seconds. “So, equipped with my grandfather’s homemade ice cream recipe, my children and husband as taste testers, a Dewar purchased on eBay and some nitrogen from Mr. Johnson, [N7] Kream Lab was born,” said Bain.
Read the full story of Kelli and the [N7] Kream Lab here.